The MoPac Gap Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Nebraska Trails Foundation IncNow that there's a route, additional funds are needed for the construction of The MoPac Gap.
0 donors
raised $0
100 donor goal
24 days left
Show the power of the trail and bike community.
Together, we can complete this vital link and create a lasting legacy for generations to enjoy. Every gift helps!
We've set the goal of 50 donors to for Bike Walk Give to focus on the influence that we can have together! Each gift is another voice we can count in support of this spectacular trail opportunity.
Donors making a $1,000 commitment or more will be permanently recognized.
Nebraska Trails Foundation, Great Plains Trails Network and Bike Walk Nebraska have committed to raising additional funds to complete this vital trail connection. Nebraska Trails Foundation is established as the fiscal agent for this project specifically.
The Milestones of the MoPac Trail Gap Project
2025 - Gap Design CompleteDesign phase complete in 2025. Begin implementation.
2026 - Phase 1 to Wabash to Mill Road completeThe MoPac Trail from Wabash to 334th, and north to Mill Road to be completed.
2028 - MoPac Trail Gap complete Trail complete, Lincoln to Omaha, December 2028, with additional funds from individuals, organizations, foundations and corporations. - THANK YOU!
Completed Milestones:
1984 - Missouri Pacific Railroad No longer: The former rail line of the Missouri Pacific was active until 1984, when heavy rains destroyed a portion of track near Elmwood.
1991 - Birth of the MoPac Trail: The Nebraska Trails Foundation and the Great Plains Trails Network raised the funds to purchase the trail property. The property was then deeded to the Lower Platte South NRD on July 3, 1991, and the MoPac East Recreational Trail was born.
2014 - Papio NRD builds MoPac in Sarpy County: Papio NRD completed the MoPac Trail in Sarpy County from the Platte River Lied Bridge to Springfield.
2019- The MoPac Alliance is formed: Leaders from the Nebraska Trails Foundation, Great Plains Trails Network and Bike Walk Nebraska formed The MoPac Alliance, and began working together to find a solution for the MoPac Trail Gap.
2022 - State funding to complete the MoPac Gap: In April 2022, the Nebraska Legislature allocated $8.3 million to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission to provide to the Lower Platte South NRD for the construction of this trail gap between Wabash and the Lied Platte River Bridge.
2024 - Gap Route Approved: In November 2024, after a year-long study with public meetings and community feedback, Cass County and the Lower Platte South NRD took a historic step and approved a route.